Mentorship Options

Mentorship Options to Enhance SOGI Inclusive Education –


Option A.

Inquiry – Learning Teams / Professional Learning Networks:


  • An initiating professional development session (i.e. on a district day) on integrating SOGI into curriculum is often a good catalyst to this project
  • Collaboration / Modelling / Support. If in person visits are permitted, arrangements could be made to visit participating teachers, participating schools, provide collaboration and support to integrate SOGI into classrooms.  This could be coordinated with a visit to minimize travel costs.
  • Mentorship- provided over the course of the year (i.e. monthly or bimonthly meetings to support projects). This can be conducted virtually.


It is recommended that a “recruitment” meeting in Mid May – Mid June  happens to introduce possibilities for SOGI capacity Building Projects – participants commit to participate and be mentored without having to commit to a specific project at this time

(Projects may include (but are not limited to). Pridentity, Inquiry into the history of clothing and gender, inclusive environments, resource development, etc.)


A schedule might look something like this (and would be scheduled in collaboration with an engaged district):


  • September – Mid October – defining needs / establishing vision / goal setting / Q & A / Resource development / collaborative planning
  • Mid November – check in / reflect on implementation / additional resources / refining and implementing plan
  • Mid January – check in / sharing success / problem-solving / defining needs / refining and implementing plan / preparation for recognizing Pink T-Shirt Day (or other way of celebrating / recognizing LGBTQ+ identities
  • Mid February – check in / sharing success / problem-solving / defining needs / refining and implementing plan / sharing out and making learning visible – engaging allies / bring an ally or collaborator who might not already have been engaged in project
  • Mid April – reflection / refinement / collection of data / feedback / preparing to share outcomes
  • Mid May – opportunity to reflect and celebrate / establishing a vision moving forward / collaborate on recognizing pride month


It is very beneficial for this ongoing inquiry project / Professional Learning Network be supported by virtual resources to store and expand concepts and topics developed in sessions.  (See Option B below)


Option B

Virtual Resources / Sharepoint


Bryan will build and maintain a virtual resource space for sharing SOGI Specific Resources ((over the course of one school year).  to support SOGI Inclusive lessons and programming.  This can include links to videos, lessons, infographics, LGBTQ+ inclusive picture books, info-text, and novels.  Support and training can be included as part of the basic package to enable a district employee to assume the role of resource manager.


Option C –

Informational Presentations / Communications Consultation


Bryan can present an informational session to a specific audience (including an opportunity for Questions and Answers) and / or collaborate with local educators to prepare a presentation for a specific audience.

Specific audiences can range from:

  • Parents
  • Administrators
  • Counsellors
  • Senior Management


Additionally, Bryan can consult with Senior Management / Communications departments to develop resources / information for District Websites


Applications for available grants may positively impact the capacity for this project


Please contact Bryan at to discuss further details, including rates and scheduling.

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