Mentorship Options

Video Resources Digital / Print Resources
Lunch and Learns (20 – 30 min each) for use at each of the schools in your district

·       Strategic Approaches / Curricular Connections

·       Assertive Responses to Oppositional Parents / Caregivers / Community

Differentiating SOGI language (infographic) – clarifying some of the nuanced uses of SOGI inclusive language

Cultivating a conscientious book culture (‘zine) – a resource with information and multimedia links to position educators to lead conversations about identity and to combat book challenges

Printable pocket guide with assertive responses to opposition

Set of guiding questions for Pride / 2SLGBTQIA+ centred events to support planning and decision-making
Ongoing staff meeting support ( 3 – 6 min videos) with information, updates, days of recognition, resources (6 – 8 times / year – depending on staff meeting schedules) that can be used at staff meetings for information sharing Accompanying newsletter (with digital links to resources)

Curation of resources in a digital space accessible by district members (i.e. SharePoint)

Annual list of recommended SOGI Inclusive picture books, novels, info text.

Lesson models (video “tutorials” of curricular connected lessons) Lesson plans
Inquiry Group facilitation (5 – 6 virtual sessions of support for developing and implementing curricular connected lessons)
In person Professional Development Workshops (Literacy and / or SOGI Inclusive focus)
Learning Rounds – lessons modeled in demonstration classrooms with debrief
Additional Presentations / Pro-D to be negotiated at consulting rates (can be synchronous or asynchronous), virtual or in-person (i.e. parent presentation(s) / in-service for school leaders, etc)

Please contact Bryan at to discuss further details, including rates and scheduling.

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