Show! Don’t Tell: A Writing Workshop

Show! Don’t Tell – A Writing Workshop

Presenter: Bryan Gidinski

This interactive workshop focuses on encouraging students to write meaningful, interesting stories, and to participate in the writing process. The workshop develops the following concepts; the role of the writer, creating images as a writer, the components of a story, selecting a topic to write about, using meaningful detail in stories, using dialogue to develop characters, creating suspense and writing in an active voice.

Audience: Teachers of Grades 3 – 9

Duration: 3 hours*

*This workshop has also been presented as a series of three 2-3 hour workshops scheduled a couple of weeks apart to allow teachers to implement strategies and to debrief their classroom experiences. As a series, it extends further into the topics of assessment and evaluation. Please contact Bryan if you are interested in additional information about a series of workshops.

Show! Don’t Tell Workshop Materials

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